I Write…

I write because its the only voice I may have some days
I write so that planets dont fall from the sky
So birds will sing their early morning songs on my windowsil
I write to abandon my fears
I write so the ground does not birth earthquakes
I write so I don’t leave my trail on sunken ground
I write so I dont forget whose hands I stare into
I write so the pen doesn’t haunt my dreams
I write so the smell of turning pages makes you smile
I write so fire can dance at night
And maybe you will too
I write so love will find its place on your shoulders
Hug you through your giggles
I write so tears dont become waterfalls
I write so the lines on the paper won’t eat me alive
I write so that erasers turn to rocks
I write
so that I can leave a reminder
That I was here

Stay Tuned for more poetry… No Line Left Behind.. Breathe….

Coming soon… No Idle Word…

Meditation Monday..

Hey there lovely people.. Yes today I call Meditation Monday! Yayyy!

I have been in a place where I am trying to be more mindful of my breath. I am more aware of my surroundings. I have made a conscience decision to slow down. Those that know me, know that I talk fast. I will go one hundred miles an hour if you dont stop me. I live a fast pace life but that has all been slowed down. When you slow down you notice things you never did before. This pace is pretty cool.

So whats is todays meditation? Peace.

People see peace in this picture above and they have thoughts that it’s beautiful and peaceful looking. I know I did. But peace is more than that. It’s a fight to keep the chaos under control.

Notice how the waters are raging over the rocks behind the swan. It can be a deafening sound and very distracting. Not only are the waters in chaos but right under the surface, where the swan is resting, is the pattering of feet. The swan’s feet are moving at a rapid pace to stay above the water and not be pulled into the raging water. It takes a great amount of strength to not succumb to the distractions of chaos.

Starring and meditating on this picture I took away a new understanding. Peace doesn’t always come easy. Its not always wrapped up in rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes right along side peace there is chaos. There are rushing waters and in the rain crashing thunder. You just have to decide what you will submit to. Peace or chaos it’s your choice. Its your choice to rise above all the distraction and negativity to keep your peace. Sometimes you will have to quicken your steps to remove yourselves from situations and follow a new path. In the journey to find peace you sometimes have to be alone.

Today, like the swan I turn my back to the raging waters and I patter my feet underneath the still waters, leaving ripples of smiles that reflect light. I will go alone if that is what it takes.

Keeping my peace all 2019 y’all!

Stay tuned for more… No line left behind…Dont forget to breathe!

Hebrew Poetry

Hello beautiful people. I hope your pens have been busy.
Lately I have been studying poetry as a whole. I have been revisiting some of my favorite poets, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Countee Cullen and so many more. But I wanted to go deeper. Then it dawned on me. My Name! Why didnt I think of that? My name is hebrew and it means song of praise. A tehillah/tehila is hebrew for praise or praises or what we call the Psalms today. What didnt dawn on me immediately, was that the Psalms were poetry. (Duh, you should see my face right now). There are times where I really space it, smh. Sometimes when you understand your name you understand your purpose! I have really been meditating on my name because this is a big name to carry.

For as long as I could remember I have loved poetry. Before there was the sonnet, free verses, iambic pentanemers, haiku, and lyrics there were psalms (tehila). Before I caressed the pen and words found themselves breaking free through ink, poetry had etched its place in history.

Hebrew thought has never been abstract. Everything is always described by its function. The same way poetry uses word play and metaphors to describe an action or to create a visual. For example, Psalms 42:1 says, As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O Yah (I use the Fathers name according to Psalms 68:4). Can you visualize the picture that is being painted in your mind? Yes! This is poetry! 

So I’m studying more and desiring to perfect this craft/gift. Painting pictures of my words before my pen manifests them. Using the psalms as my encouragement and one day I will inhabit the name I was given. 

Don’t forget to keep the pen to paper! Leave no line left behind!